Front view of Carry-On in Desert Taupe
Front view of Carry-On in Rose Quartz
Front view of Carry-On in Olive Green
Front view of Carry-On in Blue Haze
Front view of Carry-On in Ocean Blue
Front view of Carry-On in Storm Grey
Front view of Carry-On in Stellar White
Front view of Carry-On in Midnight Black
Front view of Carry-On in Terrazzo
Front view of Carry-On in Terracotta
Front view of Carry-On in Desert Taupe
Angled view of Carry-On in Desert Taupe
Side view of Carry-On in Desert Taupe
Back view of Carry-On in Desert Taupe
Inside view of Carry-On in Desert Taupe
Luggage handle view of Carry-On in Desert Taupe
Extended luggage handle view of Carry-On in Desert Taupe
Front view of Carry-On in Rose Quartz
Angled view of Carry-On in Rose Quartz
Side view of Carry-On in Rose Quartz
Back view of Carry-On in Rose Quartz
Inside view of Carry-On in Rose Quartz
Luggage handle view of Carry-On in Rose Quartz
Extended luggage handle view of Carry-On in Rose Quartz
Front view of Carry-On in Olive Green
Angled view of Carry-On in Olive Green
Side view of Carry-On in Olive Green
Back view of Carry-On in Olive Green
Inside view of Carry-On in Olive Green
Luggage handle view of Carry-On in Olive Green
Extended luggage handle view of Carry-On in Olive Green
Front view of Carry-On in Blue Haze
Angled view of Carry-On in Blue Haze
Side view of Carry-On in Blue Haze
Back view of Carry-On in Blue Haze
Inside view of Carry-On in Blue Haze
Luggage handle view of Carry-On in Blue Haze
Extended luggage handle view of Carry-On in Blue Haze
Front view of Carry-On in Ocean Blue
Angled view of Carry-On in Ocean Blue
Side view of Carry-On in Ocean Blue
Back view of Carry-On in Ocean Blue
Inside view of Carry-On in Ocean Blue
Luggage handle view of Carry-On in Ocean Blue
Extended luggage handle view of Carry-On in Ocean Blue
Front view of Carry-On in Storm Grey
Angled view of Carry-On in Storm Grey
Side view of Carry-On in Storm Grey
Back view of Carry-On in Storm Grey
Inside view of Carry-On in Storm Grey
Luggage handle view of Carry-On in Storm Grey
Extended luggage handle view of Carry-On in Storm Grey
Front view of Carry-On in Stellar White
Angled view of Carry-On in Stellar White
Side view of Carry-On in Stellar White
Back view of Carry-On in Stellar White
Inside view of Carry-On in Stellar White
Luggage handle view of Carry-On in Stellar White
Extended luggage handle view of Carry-On in Stellar White
Front view of Carry-On in Midnight Black
Angled view of Carry-On in Midnight Black
Side view of Carry-On in Midnight Black
Back view of Carry-On in Midnight Black
Inside view of Carry-On in Midnight Black
Luggage handle view of Carry-On in Midnight Black
Extended luggage handle view of Carry-On in Midnight Black
Front view of Carry-On in Terrazzo
Angled view of Carry-On in Terrazzo
Side view of Carry-On in Terrazzo
Back view of Carry-On in Terrazzo
Inside view of Carry-On in Terrazzo
this is a photo of the Terrazzo Carry-On beside a pool
This is a photo of a Terrazzo Check-In and Carry-On
This is a photo of the Terrazzo Carry-On in Spain
This is a photo of the Terrazzo Carry-On
This is a photo of the Terrazzo Carry-On
Front view of Carry-On in Terracotta
Angled view of Carry-On in Terracotta
Side view of Carry-On in Terracotta
Back view of Carry-On in Terracotta
Inside view of Carry-On in Terracotta
Luggage handle view of Carry-On in Terracotta
Extended luggage handle view of Carry-On in Terracotta
This is a photo of a Terracotta Carry-On
This is a photo of a woman with a Terracotta Check-In and Carry-on
This is a photo of a Terracotta Carry-On
This is a photo of the Terracotta Carry-On
This is a photo of a woman with a Terracotta Carry-On
This is a photo of a Terracotta Carry-On
Front view of Carry-On Pro Plus in Sage Green
Angled view of Carry-On in Sage Green
Side view of Carry-On in Sage Green
Back view of Carry-On in Sage Green
Luggage handle view of Carry-On in Sage Green
Extended luggage handle view of Carry-On in Sage Green
Sage Green
Sage Green
Sage Green
Sage Green
Sage Green
Sage Green
Sage Green
Front view of Carry-On in Sage Green
Front view of Carry-On in Purple Icing (Glossy)
Angled view of Carry-On in Purple Icing (Glossy)
Side view of Carry-On in Purple Icing (Glossy)
Back view of Carry-On in Purple Icing (Glossy)
Inside view of Carry-On in Purple Icing (Glossy)
Inside view of Carry-On in Purple Icing (Glossy)
Inside view of Carry-On in Purple Icing (Glossy)
Front view of Carry-On in Purple Icing (Glossy)
Front view of Carry-On in Banana Pudding (Glossy)
Angled view of Carry-On in Banana Pudding (Glossy)
Side view of Carry-On in Banana Pudding (Glossy)
Back view of Carry-On in Banana Pudding (Glossy)
Inside view of Carry-On in Banana Pudding (Glossy)
Inside view of Carry-On in Banana Pudding (Glossy)
Inside view of Carry-On in Banana Pudding (Glossy)
Front view of Carry-On in Banana Pudding (Glossy)
Purple Icing (Glossy)
Purple Icing (Glossy)
Purple Icing (Glossy)
Banana Pudding (Glossy)
Banana Pudding (Glossy)
Banana Pudding (Glossy)


Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
2,891 Reviews
$295 CAD
Limited Edition

Save 15% on essential accessories

  • Description
  • Caractéristiques
  • Spécifications
  • Warranty & Returns

Avec son design primé et sa construction solide, la valise Monos Carry-On est le compagnon de voyage idéal. Cette taille de bagage à main est conçue pour s'adapter au compartiment supérieur de presque tous les vols, partout dans le monde.

Équipé d'une coque en polycarbonate de haute qualité, le Carry-On est résistant aux bosses, compatible avec les impacts et pratiquement incassable. Il dispose d'une poignée télescopique ultra-robuste, d'une serrure acceptée par la TSA, de roues silencieuses, de détails en cuir végétalien et de matériaux de première qualité. Lorsque vous ne voyagez pas, la valise Carry-On s'emboîte à l'intérieur de n'importe laquelle de nos tailles Check-In pour un rangement facile.

  • Coque rigide en polycarbonate de qualité aérospatiale, résistante à l'eau, fabriquée à partir de matériaux partiellement recyclés
  • Roues pivotantes haute performance à 360°
  • Poignée télescopique réglable avec 4 réglages de hauteur
  • Doublure luxueusement douce, antimicrobienne, fabriquée à partir de polyester 100% recyclé
  • Détails en cuir végétalien ultra-microfibre
  • Serrure à combinaison acceptée par la TSA
  • Fermetures éclair YKK à enroulement inversé coordonnées par couleur
  • Coussin de compression intégré et amovible avec poche zippée pour articles plats

Comprend un sac à linge antimicrobien enduit d'ions d'argent et deux sacs à chaussures, plus une étiquette de bagage en cuir végétalien.

En savoir plus sur notre qualité

  • Dimensions extérieures : 22" × 14" × 9"
  • Dimensions intérieures : 20" × 13,5"
  • Durée du voyage : 2-5 jours
  • Poids : 7,01 lb
  • Capacité : 28 L | Volume : 39,9 L

Nous avons conçu avec soin une gamme de bagages à main avec des dimensions qui conviennent à votre style de voyage personnel, ainsi qu'aux compagnies aériennes avec lesquelles vous voyagez le plus fréquemment. Ce Carry-On s'adaptera au gabarit de bagages et aux compartiments supérieurs de toutes les grandes compagnies aériennes canadiennes telles qu'Air Canada et WestJet.

Les mesures incluent les roues et les poignées fixes.

Nous offrons un Essai de 100 jours sur tous nos bagages. Prenez le temps de choisir le partenaire de voyage idéal. Si vous ne l’aimez pas, renvoyez-le !

Après 100 jours, si une pièce de votre valise à main se brise, nous la réparerons ou la remplacerons - c’est garanti.

Nos bagages sont faits pour durer, et sont soutenus par un Garantie à vie limitée.

Pour plus d’informations sur l’expédition, consultez notre FAQ.


Avec son design primé et sa construction solide, la valise Monos Carry-On est le compagnon de voyage idéal. Cette taille de bagage à main est conçue pour s'adapter au compartiment supérieur de presque tous les vols, partout dans le monde.

Équipé d'une coque en polycarbonate de haute qualité, le Carry-On est résistant aux bosses, compatible avec les impacts et pratiquement incassable. Il dispose d'une poignée télescopique ultra-robuste, d'une serrure acceptée par la TSA, de roues silencieuses, de détails en cuir végétalien et de matériaux de première qualité. Lorsque vous ne voyagez pas, la valise Carry-On s'emboîte à l'intérieur de n'importe laquelle de nos tailles Check-In pour un rangement facile.


  • Coque rigide en polycarbonate de qualité aérospatiale, résistante à l'eau, fabriquée à partir de matériaux partiellement recyclés
  • Roues pivotantes haute performance à 360°
  • Poignée télescopique réglable avec 4 réglages de hauteur
  • Doublure luxueusement douce, antimicrobienne, fabriquée à partir de polyester 100% recyclé
  • Détails en cuir végétalien ultra-microfibre
  • Serrure à combinaison acceptée par la TSA
  • Fermetures éclair YKK à enroulement inversé coordonnées par couleur
  • Coussin de compression intégré et amovible avec poche zippée pour articles plats

Comprend un sac à linge antimicrobien enduit d'ions d'argent et deux sacs à chaussures, plus une étiquette de bagage en cuir végétalien.

En savoir plus sur notre qualité


  • Dimensions extérieures : 22" × 14" × 9"
  • Dimensions intérieures : 20" × 13,5"
  • Durée du voyage : 2-5 jours
  • Poids : 7,01 lb
  • Capacité : 28 L | Volume : 39,9 L

Nous avons conçu avec soin une gamme de bagages à main avec des dimensions qui conviennent à votre style de voyage personnel, ainsi qu'aux compagnies aériennes avec lesquelles vous voyagez le plus fréquemment. Ce Carry-On s'adaptera au gabarit de bagages et aux compartiments supérieurs de toutes les grandes compagnies aériennes canadiennes telles qu'Air Canada et WestJet.

Les mesures incluent les roues et les poignées fixes.

Warranty & Returns

Nous offrons un Essai de 100 jours sur tous nos bagages. Prenez le temps de choisir le partenaire de voyage idéal. Si vous ne l’aimez pas, renvoyez-le !

Après 100 jours, si une pièce de votre valise à main se brise, nous la réparerons ou la remplacerons - c’est garanti.

Nos bagages sont faits pour durer, et sont soutenus par un Garantie à vie limitée.

Pour plus d’informations sur l’expédition, consultez notre FAQ.

Save $20 with a set

Shop smart. Add other items and save $20 when you order together with your Carry-On.

Color:   Desert Taupe

Garantie à vie

Chaque valise Carry-On est accompagnée d'une garantie à vie limitée.

100 jours pour essayer

Essayez-le pendant 100 jours. Si vous ne l'aimez pas, renvoyez-le. En savoir plus.

Livraison gratuite

Nous couvrons les frais de livraison pour toutes les commandes vers les États-Unis contigus et le Canada.

Une poignée de cabine supérieure

Nous nous sommes concentrés sur la réinvention de la poignée télescopique, un élément crucial mais souvent négligé, en concevant chaque partie sur mesure à partir de zéro - de nos tubes en aluminium de haute qualité à notre poignée ergonomique et élégante avec le bouton de libération astucieusement caché en dessous.

Découvrez ce qui nous distingue

Tout est dans les détails

Le verrou intégré accepté par la TSA et la coque en polycarbonate de qualité aérospatiale gardent vos effets personnels en sécurité et protégés, tandis que les joints colorés coordonnés et les fermetures éclair YKK à bobine inversée assurent que vos bagages Monos sont toujours élégamment habillés, prêts à partir.

En savoir plus

Intérieur conçu avec soin

Un panneau zippé sur la moitié de la valise garde vos chaussures et autres articles bien rangés, tandis qu'un coussin de compression et des sangles en nylon balistique maintiennent vos vêtements compacts de l'autre côté. Et des poches généreusement dimensionnées et judicieusement placées maximisent chaque centimètre de rangement, ce qui signifie que vous pouvez tirer le meilleur parti de chaque voyage avec votre cabine.

En savoir plus

Customer reviews

Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
Based on 2,891 reviews
Slide 1 selected
2,891 reviews
  • Melody Y.
    Flag of United States
    Verified Buyer
    5 years ago
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    Read on for an EXTREMELY in-depth comparison

    For some background, I was in the market for a new suitcase as my old Samsonite roller was falling apart. I couldnt ignore the presence of Away on social media, so I decided to purchase their suitcase. Shortly after, I saw ads for Monos and decided to purchase it as well to compare the two as they both had 100 day return policies (caveat: I believe Monos only takes unused suitcases for return, but I didnt return it so I cant confirm). I will mention that the Away came in week, while the Monos came in 2 weeks, and I live in Manhattan, NY.

    TLDR: Lets be real - these suitcases look extremely similar. Quality- and design-wise, Monos knocks it out of the park at every point of comparison.

    Im aware that Monos has a list of differences vs Away that they will send upon request, which might be worth asking for if youre on the fence. I did not ask for such a list, I havent seen what they have to say, and I made my own having directly compared the two when they arrived:

    - Handles: the Monos handle is noticeably sturdier, and the suitcase seems better balanced - the Away suitcase body shakes when I jiggle the handle, while the Monos body stays still. Night and day quality difference here.

    - Shell: I immediately noticed how thin the Away was - comparing the two side by side, the Monos is much thicker and sturdier while the Away felt like a childs toy.

    - Zipper: the Monos zipper is sturdy and flush, while the Away zipper is recessed and feels flimsy; given Aways design…

    Monos Canada
    4 years ago

    Hi Melody,

    Our team wants to take this time to express how appreciative we are about your thorough and thoughtful comparison on our luggage. We are so extremely happy to see that you are satisfied with your Monos case and thank you so much for your honesty! Please feel free to DM us at anytime :)

  • Keith W.
    Verified Buyer
    4 years ago
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    Exceeded Expectations

    I had been researching luggage for over a year when I came across Monos. I was so close to getting the other known brand but dove deep into the story behind Monos and what they bring to the table. After going through articles, reviews, YouTube videos, employee comments and their production factory; this company blew the other one Away. I felt investing in luggage with Monos was going to be worth the cost and walk away with a superior luggage.

    I finally decided on the ones I wanted; carry-on (regular) in colours Ocean Blue & Olive Green. I ended up purchasing a complete set with Monos compression cubes & Metro backpacks (see other reviews for more info). I ordered back in December and revived them at the end of January. I was so giddy with excitement opening up the products and they did not disappoint.

    The luggage itself; gorgeous with complete functionality. The exact measurements came in a tad under what is stated, which is to be expected If it’s to fit in any overhead luggage compartment on any plane. Looks closer to 21.5 x 8.75 x 14.5 and weights empty at 6.5 lbs (with no shoe bags, luggage tag, etc). Weighs 8.5 lbs with 4 compression cubes (empty), luggage tag, laundry bag, and 2 shoe bags (all empty). The inside antibacterial material is smooth like butter, feels amazing to the touch.

    The compression pad itself I was so happy to feel that it’s not entirely a pad material! To strengthen itself for compression, the outer rim of the compression pad feels like it has…

    Monos Canada
    4 years ago

    This review had to be shared with our entire team! Thank you for sharing your full experience.

  • Tiffany D.
    Flag of United States
    5 years ago
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    Very luxurious.

    I love the feel of this product. It feels very sturdy yet not stiff. The inside lining is a very nice and durable, easily cleaning material. This is what I could fit in it on my trip:

    Laundry bag

    Baby wipes

    Hair brush

    Curling wand

    Flat iron

    Hair dryer

    Down jacket



    Hand mirror

    6 pairs of socks

    2 Sports bras

    4 t shirts

    2 pajama shorts

    2 sweat pants

    5 long sleeves/sweaters

    4 leggings

    1 pair of jeans

    6 tank tops.

  • Jane
    Flag of United States
    5 years ago
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    Great business carry-on

    I was tired of carrying an over the shoulder bag and was looking to upgrade. My business trips are short so I wanted something I could always carry on. And would fit my walking shoes, heals, and running shoes. This bag did not disappoint. I was also able to drop my laptop in the middle easily once through security.

    Most planes I fly on are smaller so I was worried about it fitting in the cabin. When it did not fit in the overhead bin, it did fit under the seat.

  • Samantha K.
    Flag of United States
    5 years ago
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    10/10 would recommend

    to summarize: i put this bag through its paces for a week and it came out unscathed on the other end. i've been recommending it to anyone who will listen!

    i brought this bag on a 1wk trip. in it i packed two sweaters, four tees, toiletry bag, pair of sneakers, pair of boots, pair of jeans, pjs, sweatpants, cardigan, a week worth of dog food & treats for two dogs, two gifts, way more socks & underwear than any normal human needs for a week, laptop charger, phone chargers & wireless mouse. the compression pad really came in handy- i was a little worried about the zippers as i tried to zip it up but they held up and again through security after my dog food was flagged. I also traveled with my dogs and put their carrier on top of the bag- another probably 17-20lbs. Usually this caused my Samsonite to start to tip, but the Monos handled it much better! no tipping and relatively easy navigation.

    it also sustained a 10min drag though NYC- construction, puddles, sidewalks, potholes. on my way home i had to check it - i did get a little worried then, cause i knew light colored bag + checking it = recipe for destruction. it definitely did come out scuffed to hell, but a quick wipe with the magic eraser removed even the darkest of scuffs and it was back to normal! i'd recommend this bag to anyone!

    Monos Canada
    4 years ago

    Hello Samantha,

    Thank you so much for sharing your experience on your Monos case! It's always fascinating to hear about the little episodes during a trip ;) Glad that our magic eraser helped keep your case in its pristine condition. Cheers!

Carry-On Plus
Aer Lingus
Air Canada
Air China
Air India
Air New Zealand
Air France
Alaska ( & Horizon)
All Nippon Airways
American Airlines
Austrian Airlines
British Airways
Cathay Pacific
Cebu Pacific Air
China Airlines
China Eastern
China Southern Airlines
EasyJet Guaranteed
El Al
Eva Air
Hong Kong Airlines
Japan Airlines
Jet Blue
Korean Air
Malaysia Airlines
Olympic Airlines
Philippine Airlines
Porter Airlines
Singapore Airlines
South African Airways
Thai Airways
Thomas Cook
Turkish Airlines
Vietnam Airlines
Virgin Atlantic
Desert Taupe | Luggage Tag in Desert Taupe
Luggage Tag
Desert Taupe
Dépensez 250 $ pour recevoir une étiquette de bagage gratuite
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